northwestern university
onda design is working to counteract coral disease and bleaching by developing technology for coral restoration and rehabilitation, catherine odom reports.
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| george washington university
george washington university kicked off its campaign to distribute 30,000 reusable water bottles to the gw community through a partnership with didómi.
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| george washington university
the manatee population on florida’s east coast has suffered from an “unusual mortality event” since december 2020. wildlife officials and conservation groups have responded to the crisis with emergency policy innovations and lawsuits respectively.
university of mississippi
the university of mississippi recently joined the worldwide effort to save pollinators by housing honey bees at the university of mississippi field station.

from left: planet forward founding director frank sesno; leo, operations coordinator at plantita power; jennifer cuyuch, george washington university, whose story covered plantita power; halley hughes, university of arizona; sven lindblad; farzona comnas, george washington university; ryan bieber, ithaca college; and dr. imani m. cheers, gw's director of academic adventures. (not pictured is delaney graham, suny-esf.)
founding director, planet forward
we are pleased to announce the winners of our annual storyfest competition – the very best stories from college students around the environment, sustainability, and innovative solutions from the past academic year.
founding director, planet forward
the competition for the title of storyfest winner is incredibly tough this year. after much deliberating from our committee of judges, we’re excited to announce the best of the best: this year’s storyfest finalists.